

Weather forecast for Oetz

Your holiday weather in Ötztal

Wetterbericht für INNTAL-Oetz (820m)
°C Nacht/Tag17 / 3117 / 2716 / 3017 / 3217 / 31
Vor/Nachmittag (in %)
0 / 5060 / 700 / 200 / 200 / 30

For now, a ridge of the Azores High is still determining the weather in our area. However, the influence of high pressure will weaken over the weekend, and the air stratification will become more unstable. On Saturday, the sun will shine for longer during the day with high summer temperatures. Later in the day, after some thick cumulus clouds will have developed, the risk of thunderstorms will increase slightly. On Sunday, an Atlantic front will move across our country. This will bring more and thicker clouds, and we can expect a few showers and thunderstorms during the day. The temperatures will drop only slightly. At the beginning of the new week, the high-pressure influence will strengthen again, leading to mostly very sunny and stable weather. Thunderstorms are unlikely until midweek. The temperatures will rise again to high summer levels.